We moved into our apartment a week or so before we had expected to, which is a good thing! :) We're back on our own! It was so great to spend so much time with Grammy and Grampy, but it's nice to be back on our own schedule and in our own place! We are so grateful for family that has the means and ability to help us out when we need it. We are so blessed!
I don't have any photos of the new apartment since we've moved in. We only have pics of the empty apartment before the move, but it's been a great fit. The kitchen is small, and that's no big surprise, but the rest of the apartment fits us just fine. :) We live LITERALLY 50 yards from the playground equipment (I can see it out my bedroom window), and when it's not raining we get to go play outside. The kids have even been riding their tricycles and bikes in the parking lot (since we're the last apartment on the street, there isn't much traffic). :) It's really been a positive change.
Work, for me, is going well. I am working about 4 days a week and am really loving it. It's harder now with the overlap time, but we're making it work. The kids still spend a bit of time with Grammy and Grampy, there's just a lot of vehicle changing we have to do. :) I usually get home after the kids are in bed, but I get to spend all day with them, so I don't feel too horrible about it. JJ gets a little extra daddy time, too, so that's nice. The kids really love having some one-on-one time with their daddy. JJ is really good to them. :)
JJ is still working with Terminix, and doesn't hate it yet. He's working really long days, usually about 10-12 hours, and we expect it to slow down, but we're not sure how much it will. The nice thing is that they are compensating him for his extra time, and he's earning a production percentage from each job he does, which adds up since he's doing about 13 - 15 jobs per day. I hope he can still keep this up. I know it's not ideal, and he doesn't get much time at home, but we each have Sunday off and he'll be off 3 out of 4 Saturdays. It's just hard work, and a lot of driving in Seattle traffic. :( Ugh.
On a brighter note, we're on to Thanksgiving, and then to Christmas! I LOVE the Holidays! xoxo Love to all!